Thursday, January 29, 2009

Excel Vocab.

1. Active Cell:In Excel, the cell that is currently selected.

2. Cell:The intersection of a row and a column in a table or worksheet.

3. Column:A vertical line of cells identified by an alphabetic lable at the top of the column.

4. Find:A command that searchs fro speciefd text and/or formatting in a document.

5. Formula:In , a cell entery that performs calculations.

6. Label:A text entery in an Excel worksheet.

7. Range:A cell or group of cells that can be selected in an Excel worksheet.

8. Replace:A command that searches for specified tex and /or formatting in a document and repalce it with new text and/or formating that yo specify.

9. Row:In Excel a horizontal line of cells identified by a row nember at the left end of row.

10.Value:A numeric entery in Excel.

11. Workbook:An Excel file that can contain up to 256 workshets.

12. Worksheet :A page in an Excel workbook.

13. freeze panes :An Excel feature that enable you to freeze rows and columns that are above and to the left.

14. print titles :Repeated row or colunm lables that appear on each page of a printed Excel worksheet.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

lesson 3

1. Absolute reference:A cell reference in an Excel formula that dosen't change when you copy the formula to another cell range.

2. Arguments:Inputs such as numbers,text,cell references, or logical values that are used in Excel functions to perform calculations.

3. AutoFilter:An Excel feature that enables you to apply a fliter to a list in order to display a subset of data.

4. Discussion comments:Comments that are displayed with an Excel workbook stored on a discussion sever.

5. Discussion server:A computer that stores discussion comments.

6. Fill handle:In Excel, the small, clack aquare located in thelower-right corner of selected cell or range that you can use to copy a value or formula to adjecent cells.

7.Filter:In Excel, a feature that allows you to display a subset of in a list on a worksheet.

8. Formula Bar: The long white bar above the column headings in a Excel worksheet that you can use to enter or edit cell data.

9. Function:A perdefined formula in Excel that performs a specific, built in operation.

10.Relative reference:In Excel a cell reference ina formula that automatiocally adjust to the new location when you copy the formula to another cell or range.

11.Syntax:The structure for entering functions and commands, including spelling,punctuation, and acceptable keywords.



Friday, November 7, 2008


1. Alligment:The placement text in relationship to the right and left margins of a page.

2. Border: A line placed around a paragraph or group of paragraphs.

Bullet: A graphic(such as a dot or picture) used to introduce each item in bulleted list.

3. Character style:A named set of formatting characteristics that can be applied to individual characters, such as a word or letter.

4. Font: A complete set of alphabetical characters,including letters,numbers,punctuation marks,and symbols, based on the same,unique design.

5. Font Style: Aspecial effect that can be applied to text charaters. Examples of font styles are bold italic, and underline.

6. Footer:A line of text that appears at the bottom of each page in a file, containing information such as the document’s name, a page number, or the date.

7. Formatting: Making changes to a document appearance.

8. Header: A line text that appears at the top f each page in a file containing information such as the document’s name, a page number, or the date.

9. Indent: The amount of space between a paragraph and the right or left margin.

10. Line spacing: The amount of vertical space between the lines within a paragraph.

11. Page breaker: A marker that indicates the end of one page and the start of a new one.

12. Paragraph: Any text that is followed by a paragraph mark.

13. Paragraph spacing: The amount of vertical space between paragraphs.

14. Paragraph style: A named set of formatting characteristics that can be applied to one or more entire paragraphs.

15. Point: A unit of measure applied to fonts and paragraph spacing.

16. Shading: A gray or colored background that can be placed behind a paragraphs.

17. Style: A named set of formatting characteristics.

18. Tab: An amount of space by which text is idented from the left margin.

Monday, October 20, 2008

verb sentences

1. act: daddy yankee is going to act in a movie called talento de barrio.

2. active : my cousin drink a monster and he was active the whole day.

3. add : i wasn't a class but my teacher add 10 points because i did dome extra work.

4. analyze :

5.answer :

6. approximate :

7. ask :

8. apply :

9. Carry

10. Calculate









Monday, October 6, 2008

terms week #7

Carry:to take or support from one place to another; convey; transport: He carried her for a mile in his arms. This elevator cannot carry more than ten people.

Calculate:to determine or ascertain by mathematical methods; compute: to calculate the velocity of light.

Choose :to select from a number of possibilities; pick by preference: She chose Sunday for her departure.

Classify :to assign a classification to (information, a document, etc.). Compare

Collect :to gather together; assemble: The professor collected the students' exams.

Communicate :to give to another; impart; transmit: to communicate a disease.

Compare :to examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note similarities and differences: to compare two pieces of cloth; to compare the governments of two nations.

Connect : to join, link, or fasten together; unite or bind: to connect the two cities by a bridge; Communication satellites connect the local stations into a network.

Construct : to build or form by putting together parts; frame; devise

Contrast : to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences; note the opposite natures, purposes, etc., of: Contrast the political rights of Romans and Greeks.

Convert :to change (something) into a different form or properties; transmute; transform.

Monday, September 29, 2008

terms week #6

1. act: to perform in or as if in a play; represent dramatically: act out a story

2. active :to make active; cause to function or act

3. add :to find the sum of

4. analyze :to examine methodically by separating into parts and then studying their interrelations; to make a mathematical, chemical, or grammatical; analysis of; break down into components or essential features; to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc.

5. answer : to speak or write in response; reply to

6. approximate:to come near to; approach closely; to estimate

7. ask :to put a question to; to seek and answer to

8. apply:to make use of as relevant, suitable, or pertinent; to use for or assign to a specific purpose; to put into effect; to put into operation; execute